Gynecomastia Good Candidates

Gynecomastia Good Candidates

Are You a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia Correction?

The question as to whether or not you are a good candidate is easier to answer than finding out the exact cause of the gynecomastia. A good candidate is simply any man who feels self-conscious about his breasts. If this problem is treated by a competent plastic surgeon it can be effectively and safely improved and often corrected completely.

Remember, gynecomastia is usually not caused by any serious medical problems. In fact, the cause is rarely identified. However, it must be emphasized, that there are some significant medical problems that do cause gynecomastia and must be looked into. To determine if you have treatable medical reasons for your gynecomastia you must see your family doctor. When seeking a consultation, it is important to list all the medications you are taking, as well as providing a complete medical history.

It is very important that you understand factors that compromise the result of treating gynecomastia. The most common include:

    1. Markedly Overweight Men. Even though surgery will help even the significantly overweight, the result will not be as good. For this reason, you should try to get within 30-40lb of your ideal body weight.
    2. Men with Poor Skin Quality. Gynecomastia surgery involves two important processes. One, is to get rid of the excess tissue. The second is skin contraction. The skin must recognize that this tissue is gone and contract back. Some people do not have skin that can contract back. Their skin has lost its elastic properties. This includes men over the age of 50, men with significant sun damage, breasts with a lot of stretch marks, and men who have had gastric bypass.

I am happy to have found Joseph T Cruise, MD as my surgeon. it’s been so many years since I wanted to get somethings off my chest! finally, flew to California from Canada and within a week had the consultation / procedure done. I already feel better wearing a shirt. there is nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I look forward to see the final results in the 6 months or so to come. Thanks to Joseph T Cruise, MD’s perfectionism and his genuine interest in helping men like me, I feel like having a new life.